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Guap Sensei: Artist Spotlight

Bobby Dee

Why do dogs take forever to go to the bathroom? I ask myself this everyday when I go to let the beast out to do his business. Regardless, I always find myself mindlessly scrolling thru SoundCloud as this four legged fucker proceeds to piss on every corner of the yard. (I love him more than any human, but c'mon) A claymation figure pops up on my screen; "Guap Sensei" the name reads. Curiosity got the best of me as I proceed to tap the screen. Noticing that he's amassed a small following, and interested to see what the hype is about, I randomly select a song.

The sonic chaos that proceeds following that brief moment is to much for my insufficient phone speaker to handle. Working well with producers like Triplesixdelete, who can mirror his chaotic approach to making music, Guap Sensei's disorderly screams and the gritty beat selection provide a interesting twist on the growing niche that has been widely dubbed "scream rap". Exploring his catalogue further, you can find he tends to experiment from time to time with softer sounds on tracks like "SMILE, YOU'RE DYING".

Still not much is known about Guap, but I was able to reach out to him on Instagram for some information and back story. Born in Illinois, he started to play guitar in 7th grade, and eventually would try vocals. Early on, he would try to hit Ski Mask The Slump God type beats, and claims that he wasn't that good at creating songs. One day, a friend had put him on to Lil Darkie. Diving deep into the catalog of the dark one, is what inspired him to try and take on more of an aggressive vocal approach.

After finding more confidence in his delivery, Guap continued to record music.

One day, Afourteen, messaged him with a video of the Spider gang affiliate listening to his music. The two would go on to develop a friendship and eventually record 2 songs. "Neck Yourself" and later "Sideshow Bob". After steady drops throughout 2021, Guap Sensei would go on to do shows in 2022 with Dirty Butt, Lil Darkie, Bruhmanegod, and other members of Spider Gang.

At a very young age, Guap Sensei shows promise as an artist. Proving that he can improve his sound and switch up his style. It'll be interesting as time passes to see how he develops his style, and creates his own path. Be sure to stream Guap Sensei's music wherever you can!

Written by @bobbydeeonthebeat for @kultclassicofficial

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